Welcome to the Geofront! This is a page that will be dedicated to the translation efforts to finish the editing for the Zero no Kiseki fan translation as that was started by the team from the Heroes of Legend message board. This site will allow us to create public updates, answer questions, and give people a central location to find out more information of who is on the team, what we’re doing, our progress and so forth. As I’m a part of the team, I’ve chosen to host the site on esterior.net, alongside Endless History, to give some control over the media available on the page. However, this is a lot more accessible in terms of community and communications- you can register to the site using various methods of social media, and you can even use your Facebook account to comment if you so wish for it. On top of the login accessibility, we also have a bbpress run message board on here. If you feel you have an issue you want to discuss about posts or other technical problems, this will allow all of us who run this to be able to access them and contact and answer questions. I want people to be able to have a voice and a good, single place to bring it all together. Over the next few weeks, I will also be building a page where you can see all the various members of the team and get to know who we are. There may also be other changes based on the specific needs of the website as they come forth in the next few weeks or so. As always, feel free to let me know if you have problems- you can find the forum for it here. If you have any suggestions for things you want to see, let me know there, as well.