The rumors are true: The Geofront and NIS America have partnered to officially bring Trails from Zero and Trails to Azure to the West.
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Content related to Trails from Zero.
The rumors are true: The Geofront and NIS America have partnered to officially bring Trails from Zero and Trails to Azure to the West.
While things are coming together with Trails to Azure, we’d like to go in depth on what the release will be like. Please enjoy as I try to keep this interesting and informative.
It’s the one year anniversary of Trails from Zero’s release, and we’re happy to celebrate it with one final update.
Have no fear! It’s the age of day one and continuous patching, so we’ve put together a patch to our patch to patch your lives up in this patchless time.
Greetings, detectives! The day has come! After three years, we have finally completed the Trails from Zero patch to allow you to play the game in English with a fully edited script and modernized features.
You’ll finally be able to put on your police badges and experience the world of Crossbell. It’s been a long time coming.
Well, we made it. For a while, I wasn’t sure if we would—yet here we are. The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero’s first editing pass has been completed.