Check out the Geofront edited release of the Trails to Azure drama CD, Trails to Azure: Road to the Future.
Fan Localization Hub
Check out the Geofront edited release of the Trails to Azure drama CD, Trails to Azure: Road to the Future.
omgfloofy here to give you a quick status report on what’s going on in this neck of the woods. If you didn’t guess, the activity to the server took it down as it got a pretty hefty ‘hug of death’ last night with the release of the Geofront patch.
Greetings, detectives! The day has come! After three years, we have finally completed the Trails from Zero patch to allow you to play the game in English with a fully edited script and modernized features.
With the release of Trails from Zero on the horizon, you might be interested in checking the Ring of Judgment pre-story comic that was released prior to the game in 2010.
If you haven’t noticed yet, the website itself has gone through a complete overhaul. Here are some details on the site refresh!
We’ve updated our privacy policy! (I’m sure you’re tired of seeing this…) …but we’ve also removed the forums, updated the site’s security, added a new page, and more.
There have been some changes to the backend of the site, due to Facebook and Google API updates. These changes may affect the way you login.
In a need to create content for this site, since it’s a bit difficult to really show stuff that’s happening on the back-end with spreadsheets and stuff. (looking at spreadsheets isn’t that very exciting for the whole progress aspect of things.) I’ve decided to give people a small preview of what to expect from the game by starting to translate the character page from Falcom’s official website for the game.
There have been SEO and OpenGraph updates made to the website, as well as the addition of an RSS feed link to the site’s menu.
Yes, a patch did go out. No, this was not our patch. So if you think comparing us to what happened with Felghana is actually accurate, try again. This patch was a super early version of the translation that was being worked on by zerog way back in the day, and it was from before he actually locked everything down to be completely private for his project. We did not actually start working on this until December 2016.