We are excited to announce that Ys vs. Trails in the Sky WILL have online functionality, and we have developed an HD Texture Pack for the game!
Fan Localization Hub
We are excited to announce that Ys vs. Trails in the Sky WILL have online functionality, and we have developed an HD Texture Pack for the game!
We’re happy to report that Trails to Azure has reached the end of its first editing pass! The team is hard at work perfecting the game and barreling towards testing later this year.
Trails to Azure is now available to purchase via PayPal from Joyoland’s official website. Follow the instructions in the article to buy it!
Today has been a long time coming. With great excitement, the Geofront is formally announcing its upcoming localization of Nihon Falcom’s The Legend of Heroes: Ao no Kiseki. Or, as we like to call it, The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure!
To whet your appetites a little, I present to you this article – a short history lesson by our translator, Shawnji. If you’re interested in how this project came to be, buckle up, because we’re going to delve straight into the details!
V Sector would like to announce that we have officially hit 100% on our first editing pass for scenario and non-scenario text!
Hello, detectives-turned-Xanadu’s-warriors! Welcome back to the Geofront! What’s that? You don’t know what Xanadu is? Of course, It must be Galsis’ influence!
Have no fear! It’s the age of day one and continuous patching, so we’ve put together a patch to our patch to patch your lives up in this patchless time.
omgfloofy here to give you a quick status report on what’s going on in this neck of the woods. If you didn’t guess, the activity to the server took it down as it got a pretty hefty ‘hug of death’ last night with the release of the Geofront patch.