Hello, internet! It’s good to be back.
omgfloofy here to give you a quick status report on what’s going on in this neck of the woods. If you didn’t guess, the activity to the server took it down as it got a pretty hefty ‘hug of death’ last night with the release of the Geofront patch.
Last night, this site had an unprecedented number of visitors and activity, where it basically took the site down much harder than expected. There was a comment to ask about the SQL server and the like, but it looks like the entire PHP function of the site ended up cutting out to a degree. I spoke with my server host this morning, and he made a few changes and updates on that side of things, and this should make things run a little better.
Another action that I’ve taken was to take the primary server download of the patch offline and make the file on the Ashburn mirror the primary download. Please use this for the time being. It will take an additional load off of the server in the process.
Now that I have access to this, I can start getting through comments and questions and start updating the FAQ that I wasn’t able to put onto the top menu. So you will want to keep an eye on that, as I’ll be updating it periodically through the day based on issues and other things that are uncovered.
As a reminder, if the server goes down again (which I don’t think it will at this point), the mirror link that I’m now using as the primary has been posted on my twitter account here.
Kinda surprised you guys aren’t using a larger hosting platform, as p. much anyone could have told you this’d happen 🙂
Anyway, thanks for all your and the team’s hard work. I’ve not played a lot of the newly patched version, but it all seems to be working fine. Did notice some errors in translations, and the occassional double word (I imagine this due to the small textboxes you have to work with, cutting off sentences), but I’m extremely pleased by the QoL options and elaborate settings. Playing on 30 FPS was manageable, but it’s such a relief to play it with much higher FPS (And the turbo button!).
You deserve a long break from this crap, but I’m kinda hoping you guys will consider at least adding that sexy options menu to Ao, since the translation itself is serviceable.
Goodness. Glad you were able to get things more stable set up. Thank you for all your work omgfloofy!
You guys are rock stars! I was finally able to get the game installed and patched last night. It’s better than I dreamed of. My wife walked in while I was playing and even commented on how great it looked. I think Falcom should give you guys a shout-out if they ever bring Zero/Azure to the states. You have more than showed the love and need for them to come stateside and have given us the ability to finally play it as it should be played.
server broke down? who knew that there would be that much anticipation? probably everyone 😉
Thanks guys, so looking forward to it!
I just want to reiterate how thankful I am that you made this patch, as far as I’m concerned it’s the stuff of dreams. No problems so far, I’m thoroughly enjoying the game!
Happy to hear that server work fine now. I also wanted to give many thanks to the team for such outstanding work. I’ve installed the patch and I’m really enjoing the game, works smoothly.
Thank you, for all your work, guys. You did it!
I think you guys should share the file’s hash, rather than just telling them to watch out for the domain name.
Geofront_ZeroLauncher_1.0.zip SHA-1 51F91BD29F934986FAB06E91B28F7EA72E2FDDB4
Suggestion, I hope you can make it so that Eagle Eye Quartz and Detection Quartz work even if it’s equipped by other members except the leader. I mean I also recall on Trail in the Sky that it works even if other members beside the leader is equipped with it. It’s just really a hassle that the leader must equip the quartz in order for the effect to work 🙁
Thank you all so much for your hard work! So far so good!!!
Done with my first blind playthrough.
You guys did an epic job.
Hopefully you still have some steam to hammer the very few typos that slipped past the testers.
I’m not sure where to leave a comment, but dlsite will not take my debit card. I tried creating an account, using a VPN, calling my bank. Nothing. I really, really want to play this game, but I’m out of resources on how to make this work.