Well, we made it. For a while, I wasn’t sure if we would—yet here we are. The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero’s first editing pass has been completed. It’s still a little weird to say. After sinking so much of my life into this project for over two years, it’s numbing to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Putting sentimentality aside for now, I suppose you’re asking what happens now? I’ll try to answer that.

The Plan
From here, we are going to run a proofreading/minor editing pass over the areas in the script that need it. This should take a fraction of the time that it took to edit the script, so worry not. Towards the end of proofreading, the testing phase is planned to start. Truth be told, I’m not 100% sure how long that will take, so Ribose will talk about that below! Either way, things are progressing at a rapid pace.
Testing Phase
Hello, Ribose here! The way testing will work is players will be given access to the patch (obviously), as well as a channel to talk to us with, and the issue tracker to report any and every issue found. The issue tracker also contains a wiki containing all of my technical notes for reference, such as a list of all of the quests (and notable optional interactions within them), the NPCs, the documentation of all debug functions (that we’ve found), and the things people are recommended to test.

Any and all terminology is being synchronized with Kiseki Wiki, such that an inconsistency between what the wiki says and what the game says is also considered a bug. Technical bugs, graphical bugs, scenario script bugs (typos, context, etc), inconsistencies, and anything else reported will be looked into and the team will attempt to fix it. Of course, the testers will be able to see reported issues and be able to talk with us and get feedback. Testing will begin soon and will be by invite. We hope it’ll only be a few months until release!

A Special Thanks
Zerker back. Before anything else, I have to thank our friend, Arvin. He has been an immensely huge help in finishing the first editing pass, and has grown to be an invaluable member of the team. Genuinely, I don’t know if we could have finished it (har, har) without your dedication.

On top of the patch, we also have a few mini-projects in the works—related to Zero, of course! Imagine it as the extra toppings on the pizza. Not necessary, but they’re nice to have! One is planned to be released before the patch, and the other concurrently with Trails from Zero.
Will I be able to transfer my save data from the current patch to this one after it releases? I’d like to play on this one once its out.
What about a completely unpatched JP version? Will those saves be compatible?
If you have saves from the JP version, they should be compatible.
Sorry this may seem like a dumb question but I was wondering what this patch is. From my understanding there was already a english translation of both zero and ao, so is this just your guys version of a english translation? Also does the pc version of zero contain the evo content and is there a pc version of ao?
Will it available only for PC or psp too?(psp rom) will be cool to play it on the go on phone anywhere
We’re focusing on PC, but we intend to make it available for PSP- it just won’t have a lot of the enhancements that we’re putting into the PC version.
It is so exciting to finally see this at 100%. Can’t wait for the testing phase! You all have done such an amazing job!
I’ve only ever submitted chest quotes on the one form, but now it’s my hope to actually be able to test the game out when the option becomes available.
Awesome! Good excuse to start SC soon, hopefully by the time I make my way to this one someone will have ported the evo voices.
Though we won’t say more than this, you will be able to use voice files placed in ./data/talk/ copied as-is from your Vita version. It will automatically play them.
Oh thank you very much, now I’m even more excited !:)
So we just need the voice files to have them play? Is everything already set up for them in the patch?
Assuming you can’t get hold of the Vita files for whatever reason, try Googling “zero no kiseki evo voice” without quote marks, and check the fifth result down. This applies to all Sky and Crossbell games.
Great to hear the initial editing phase is over! Looking forward to playing this after I finish 3rd (just began playing it today).
It’s amazing what this team has achieved in what I consider fairly good time by fan localization “standards” (lots of projects never finishing, and many after near a decade).
I’ve been following this project since I beat the trails in the sky trilogy over a year ago. I’m glad that you guys are almost done with this amazing effort. Congratulations! I hope everything goes well for this project and your lives after this.
Will you guys be releasing a details on getting the patch and whatnot?
We will compile a more detailed post on acquiring the game, applying the mod, and system requirements, along with screenshots of a first-run experience when things are finalized in that department.
I’ve went and bought Zero no Kiseki from dlsite which was mentioned in the 90% post and am now Geofront ready. One question though, when I start up the game with no patch, is the text supposed to show all garbled up instead of in Japanese? Or do I actually need to set my whole computer’s display language to Japanese?
To play with the unpatched version, it does require Japanese locale. One of the features of the mod will be to support playing with any locale. With the mod, you can even play Japanese text on an English locale system (or any locale system, theoretically). We will compile a more detailed post on acquiring the game, applying the mod, and system requirements, along with screenshots of a first-run experience when things are finalized in that department.
Ah nice. I guess changing my locale is more than just changing the display language. Just to test a few things, would it mess up my computer, or any of my other installed programs if I were to temporarily change my system’s locale, then change it back once I’m done testing it out? Another solution from what I’ve read would be to try a locale emulator or something like that, as for fully playing I will more than likely wait for Geofront so I won’t have to resort to using a locale emulator or changing my locale each time I wish to play it.
Locale emulator works well, and way faster than going in and changing locale to play one game then switching it back.
But at this point i’d say just wait for the full release~♪
Ok I did some testing with Steam big picture mode. If I try to use Locale emulator, it will NOT run in big picture mode. It will without the locale emulator though with the garbled text. The goal for me is to get it to run properly in Steam big picture mode so I can play it on any TV I want via Steam link and not be stuck at my computer. Hopefully the Geofront patch will remedy that:). I’m just so happy I bought the game and the ability to experience this wonderful story is at hand:)
Awesome job making it this far! I’m really excited to get into the Zero duology after playing CS2. I think some mildly important stuff happens in the overall plot lol
Hopefully the testing starts soon, especially with CS3 on the horizon.
I also wonder what should the size be for the folder that contains all of the game data? I’m showing a bit over 1.2GB. Was in installed correctly? The game starts fine except for the garbled text that I mentioned above and it also starts fine with 1920 x 1080 resolution as well. I just need to muddle through the setup dialogue to get the controls set where I want them and such.
Welp that settles it, I will wait for the patch until it’s completed!
I was playing the BETA one and after your last update on how things are I started procrastinating playing it, and now that it’s coming closer.. Yeah I’ll definitely stop and anticipate this!
Thanks for all the hard work everyone!
It’s been years but we’re almost there!
Ayyyye kudos to the team for reaching this milestone. Do you have any plans to translate the PSP version of Sky 3rd?
They don’t.
Is there another person or team attempting to do it?
Oh. I missed the surprises section on my first read.
Wonder if it’s the four destinies prologue novel 👀.
Are you aware that sky 3rd has already been translated and ported on PC ?
I don’t think anyone is going to even try to translate it again for psp.
Even patching the psp version with the PC translation sounds like a waste of time since the PC version is clearly more polished.
Hey guys can you please back port the Trails in the Sky 3rd Vita translation to PSP version too?
isn’t that vita was evolution version? i’m more interesting its stay as PSP for 3rd. and its cool if there possible way to save import from XSEED Digital only version (NA region) SC game to the JP fan-translated 3rd PSP.
This team won’t do that.
Congratulation to the team on reaching the 100% editing, this month I really do have a ton of games to play and I really need to continue playing SC before this comes out or the testing phase starts XDD
Fantastic news! Thank you so much for all your hard work!
Also those screencaps are great. My compliments to the chef.
Hello! Thank you all so much for taking your time to complete this project!! I just finished trails in the sky tc and I’m looking forward to the Crossbell arc before Cold Steel 3. I haven’t played the arc before.
How do you choose for the invite? I would love to test the patch out!
If you have to ask, you most likely won’t get the invite.
Thanks so much for this, I cant wait to replay Zero with this. All your hard work is really appreciated.
So i’ve been playing the game on a patched version of the psp version i was wondering if i can just copy my save file to this version once it comes out?
You should be able to transfer files easily. If decryption of the save file is needed, it should be easy to do that with a single program.
Finally~! Thankyou for the hard work after days months and a year, we witnessed that how hard you to edit work on it, and all we as fan to do is to wait thanks for everything.
Hell yeah brother!
Those technical notes in the tracker sound fascinating. I hope they will be publicly released at some point. I usually run an rpg(dragon quest, final fantasy, trails, etc) in ghidra/ida/x64dbg/emulator debugger a few times and also visit tcrf.net (The Cutting Room Floor) to see cut out gameplay when playing them because I love to learn more about the internals. But my personal attempts are just little voyages, and other then the occasional data table I can post on a forum, it would be a great boon to everybody to have a deep and team based experience on how the game works out there, especially for posterity.
Regardless if you ever release the technical details and notes, thank you for pursuing the project!
Any word on how the invites for the beta testing will handled? or how we can sign up in hopes of being a tester?
If you have to ask, you most likely won’t get the invite.
Congratz on 100%! I’ve been following you guys since 20% and I’ve been hoping to play before I get CS3 so I could avoid spoilers. Going to have to use the machine translation of blue though!
I would love to help in the testing phase if possible! Even though it’s unlikely I’ve gotta try!
Much love! <3
I don’t care if I’m alone in front of my screen right now, I’m giving you guys a standing ovations !
Also, I’m volunteering to help in the testing phase 🙂 !
Amazing guys! You are amazing!
Congratulations to everyone on the team for their long and hard work.
You are the true legendary heroes.
Congratulations on reaching this mile stone. It’s amazing that your making so many people happy with all your hard work.
wow, this is really exciting! Thanks for all the hard work!!!
Incredible job you guys, really really INCREDIBLE, you brought infinite happiness to me with this.
Is there anyway we can play this? I’m new here and I already cant wait to test this RIGHT NOW <3
again, congrats for archieving this amazing feat
I stuck at installing the zero no kiseki jp version , what should i do to install it ?
I am very excited to see that your at 100% I recently got into the legend of heroes games and have played sky trilogy and I own the cold steel 1 n 2 but im trying to hold out on your version of this game. I have the japanese version of this game for the ppsspp will your update be compatible with that one?
Congratulations! I know tons of people will be happy to experience this great game, and you guys are the best to see this through to 100%. I cant imagine how hard it was and you guys deserve so much praise. Thank you so much.
Wow. Been waiting for this. Congratulations. And Thank You for all your efforts!
I just finished the Trails in the sky trilogy, so amazing rich story and characters. So glad you guys are nearly finish this, I would had a hard time skipping the crossbell arc before playin cold steel. Congrats and many thanks !
I played the three games of Trails in the Sky quite recently. I did not know anything about the series before that. And I loved everything about those games, including the fantastic work by XSEED. Then I bought both the first and second games of Trails of Cold Steel, which I have not played yet. (I really hope that the rest of the saga will eventually come to Windows systems as well).
And now the time for playing an English localized version of the Crossbell arc is finally getting close. You, people working on this, deserve our deepest thanks.
Are you guys still recruiting testers? I came so late 🙁
I absolutely love this series.
I’m an idiot. I hyped so hard I ended up commenting first before reading. I’m sorry. I would love to be a tester.
I’m so happy, I’m very glad this is almost done with the highest quality.
I’d love to volunteer for testing, but with CS3 so close I dont think I’d be able to play both at once. But if its more than a month away, consider me onboard.
For the love of Olivier, play this first. CS3 expects you to know what happened in Zero/Ao, builds on plot threads, characterisation, and worldbuilding from those two games, and also spoils them to an incredible extent. CS3 being localised first was only for financial reasons, and was a terrible idea in every other conceivable way.
I agree don’t play cold steel 3 yet especially because you will be dying to play cold steel 4 and we still don’t know when that will be released my guess sometime next year hopefully!
I survived 6 years between FC and SC.
I can survive the hopefully no more thana 2 years it’ll take to get CS4, even though the hype and heartbreak will be 3 times as strong.
Might be a bit late but CS3 has the most frustrating cliffhanger in the series yet so good luck surviving those 2 years
Good news. Its a ton of fun to jump into things at a later point and go backwards sometimes.
Most things are more fun with later knowledge anyway.
Looking soo forward to playing this, congratulations for finishing the translation!
Will everyone get a patch for the testing phase or a select group? thanks for the awesome work
I can’t begin to express my gratitude to you all for your diligent work to bring this game to the English speakers. I stopped my progress in Zero so I can use your superior translations as well as all of the goodies you are adding to it. You guys are amazing.
Amazing ! Thanks a lot. I have been waiting for years.
I have posponed playing Sen no Kiseki to play all the games in order.
y’all are champions <3
Cant wait for this !!! thank you
Can’t wait for this to finally release. I had to stop with the original english fantranslation that is available since it got so bad after the Prologue. The beginning of Chapter 1 was much worse than the entirety of the Prologue in that release. Hopefully the PSP patch comes with the PC patch or before, since that is the only copy I have imported.
Out of curiosity, will this patch work with the Vita versions? Or is it PC only?
Ideally I’d like the voice acting.
Yes, that is if another translation team is willing to backport the translation to the Vita
Can you give me a link to them, or their name?
Is the port of this transaction to the Vita Evolution version planned?
I’m really interested in playing on Vita.
As far as I have heard, it doesn’t seem like they are planning to unless someone joins the team that has experience with that and would be willing to port it into that version. Last I heard, though, they were only planning the PC version as the base for the translation and then likely porting it to PSP, like the original fan translation.
I was wondering, have you guys ever considered talking to Nihon Falcom, and Xseed or NIS America about using your translation patch of Trails to Zero to be used for the game officially? I see that you guys have put your blood sweat and tears into making this translation as close to the original as possible. I think it will probably cut some time for the translators to do some translations themselves, and I also think it would help get more people to play this game than just the community here. I even saw an article that talks about that the president of Nihon Falcom Toshihiro Kondo is okay with making ports of the crossbell games to modern consoles and that he want to start talks with foreign publishers and get the conversation going to bring these games over to the west. Here a link to the interview https://gematsu.com/2019/07/falcom-teases-modern-ports-of-the-legend-of-heroes-zero-no-kiseki-and-ao-no-kiseki All I’m saying just give the thought some consideration. It could help get more people into the series, since each game is important to the plot and that people wouldn’t have to miss out on them.
I don’t know how I feel about this. I’m gonna sound selfish, but I’m affraid I won’t be able to play the game if they release an official version of it, since I’m using an old OS. The original japanese disc of Trails from Zero runs just fine on my OS, but I feel that won’t be the case if they just make a new installer for it now we’re in 2019/2020.
There’s a lot of drama and history behind the origin of this patch. I have commented on multiple occasions that we wouldn’t be interested in handing this off for the reason that it would be unfair to the original people who worked on it, and to the large group here that’s been involved.
I second this. I dont think they would accept it to be honest and it wouldnt get you hired or anything, but hey, why not give it a try (unless its because of some legal reasons), im sure your work is amazing and honestly even if you would justs get credited, wouldnt it be worth it?
Great work to all of you guys!
I hope it will be in a playable state for all of us soon!
Can’T wait to finally play this one. I already enjoyed trails in the sky a lot. And I think it will probably be better to play this and Trails of Azure first before I start with Trails of Cold Steel…
As for trails of azure I heard that there is already a good translation out. I THINK it was by someone named Flame? If so, is that translation good enough? Or are you planning to make one on your own?
Oh and another question… The Evo voice mod SHOULD work with this translation right? I don’T see why it shouldn’T…. Since the voices and text should be two entirely different aspects of the game. And what if I have the unoffical bad translation installed? Will I be able to just “overwrite” it with your translations once they are available?
Thanks for answering in case someone decides to!
I’m not on the team, but I can answer a few of your questions:
– It’s not essential that you play the Crossbell games before you play Trails of Cold Steel I & II as those games take place at the same time as these ones, but it is critical that you play them before Cold Steel III & IV. Also, be sure to buy Cold Steel III now, even if you don’t plan on playing it immediately, so that NISA can see your interest in Cold Steel IV.
– The Azure translation is not perfect, but is indeed very good in that it goes beyond direct translations and ensures that text is syntactically correct – much better than our previous Trails from Zero translations. With that translation and this Trails from Zero translation, you are set to go to play these games.
– According to another comment from Ribose5, yes the Evo voice files should work just fine. However, I’m fairly certain that you need a clean game for this patch to work as they’ve stated in numerous posts that this patch is a complete overhaul rather than a simple text translation.
In the last chapter of 3rd now so I’m hyped and ready.
Can’t wait to see all of the teams hard work 💪.
I don’t mean to pry but how far away from a release are we at this point? Its been a little over a month since the post so will it still be like 3 months from now, or is it more like 2 now? I don’t want anyone to think that I am trying get you guys to rush the patch out or anything. I’m just curious as to how things are moving along and am very excited to play the game. Anyway, good luck with the last bits of editing guys. I look forward to seeing the finished script.
So does anybody know where on the site I can find info about how this patch will work, how to install, what version can i use (evo or non evo),ect? I plan on playing this the second it’s released and would like to be ready.
I think it has been said in previous posts, or at least comments, that-once the game is released-they will include how to set everything up in the release or will make a seperate post for it. I could be wrong, of course.
On an unrelated note, I’m in Crossbell in Trails of Cold Steel III now and it’s just making me look forward to playing Trails from Zero more! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, EVERYONE!
Will this patch work on the psp version?
I’m not sure if this has been asked before, and I’m sorry if it has, but once Trails from Zero is done will your group work on Trails from Azure? (Or whatever the translation of Ao no Kiseki would be called?)
Or is there another group that’s working on that?
Sorry for being impatient, but is the testing phase any close to being done? Is the fully patch expected to come out before the end of the year?
I’m holding back on playing CS3 before Zero and Azure so the wait is torture at this point lol
Haha, cant even imagine the pain 😀
Tho id like to know also, we all appreciate your hard work sorry to be so needy, but the wait is hard 😀
I am in the same vote in the end I’m starter playing the older patch and it’s not horrible but I’m planning to replay it when this patch comes out
so when do you think the final patch will be released publicly? I got all the other games like over a year ago and finally took the dive to get through the first part of trails in the sky and wondering if it might be done by the end of December or sometime next year?