Today we celebrate that the editing of Zero no Kiseki‘s scenario hit the 25% milestone!
Message from Supremezerker
Hey, everyone! Supremezerker here, or just Zerker. As some already know, I joined the project as an editor towards the beginning of June. Since then, I’ve been working a ton this summer trying to get this whale of a game edited. I’ve recently beaten Ao, and I can say with 100% confidence that I LOVE the Crossbell Arc. Lloyd Bannings has risen to my favorite protagonist of all time, not just in Kiseki games and I adore all the citizens of Crossbell State. I can’t describe how much of a joy it’s been to work on what might possibly be my favorite game in the series. It’s a pleasure to say that we’ve finally hit that big quarter milestone, which I’m unbelievably proud of. Editing this game always gets me raring to go for the day, getting me excited to see which character or event will be edited next.

This project has really made me appreciate the world of Zemuria even more than I already did. The variety of NPCs living in Crossbell City, with their own stories and quirks, just blows me away. My personal favorite to edit has got to be Ms. Grace Lynn, the brilliant journalist from the Crossbell Times. Grace never fails to keep a smile on my face while I’m editing, with that optimism and spunk of hers. Her way of overexaggerating everything with such swagger always keep me engrossed in whatever’s taken place. Now one of the characters I have trouble with occasionally is the fan-favorite, Tio Plato. Personally, her deadpan attitude is a little hard to nail, but with the help of others, we’ve been able to do her justice.
Well there we are. With college starting up again in a few weeks, editing will unfortunately have to slow down. Don’t you worry in the slightest though, I’m not going anywhere. Of course, school and my relationship take priority, but this passion project will still be chugging along. We’ve made so much progress, and I intend for the progress to keep moving forward. I appreciate everyone’s support and I hope that you look forward to the day you can spend an afternoon in Crossbell with the Special Support Section.
For the next update, we’ll try to have some screenshots with text inserted into the PC version.
Furthermore, the Ao no Kiseki translation is — at this very moment — almost at 50%, according to translator Guren’s blog!
[Call for Editors] Nayuta
As most of you know, Nayuta no Kiseki was fan translated two years ago by flamethower of the Heroes of Legend team. While the game may not have writing on par with the mainline Kiseki series, it still deserves at least a round of editing to take the roughness of its edges. The script also isn’t as large as the mainline Kiseki titles, weighing in at about 360,000 characters in total.
If you’re interested in editing Nayuta, please register at the Heroes of Legend forums to express your interest or leave a message in the comments so the team knows where to find you.
You guys are the best
Awesome work, well worth waiting for!
One question: Will this be released once you hit 100% on your editing or will you run additional edits and checks before release?
Definitely will go over it again, with QA. Second editing pass won’t take nearly as long though.
Thanks for the reply. Eagerly looking forward it to be finished 🙂
Glad to hear the news! I hope everyone on the project stays happy and healthy and I cannot thank you enough for doing this great service for the Kiseki community.
Really nice to see this project advancing. Nice work everyone!
Supremezerker, would you consider helping the Ao project too, with editing, after they finish translating it? I don’t know what’s the relation between people working on both of these projects, but it would be nice to have someone from this one giving a hand to them when the time comes to start editing.
I’m at the last chapter of Sora no Kiseki the 3rd, and I’m very scared of the end, because I’d have nowhere else to go. You guys are my only hope.
Gonna try to beat all the doors in the meantime. Take your time guys 🙂
Ohh you can play the first cold steel game just fine if you want. Just stay away from the second.
You guys are terrific. Thanks so much. I’d donate if you let me.
Great news and thanks so much again for the dedication in helping to bring this project so far now Zerker, can’t wait to see you handiwork first hand when you’re done 😀
Awesome news. Looking forward to seeing this finished.
Yall doing the work of god. Keep up!
Congratulations !!!!!
Thank you for your hard work !
Great work guys.
Thanks for everyrthing.
Keep up the good work. I can only encourage you considering I don t have much time and english is not my mother language even though I m working in the UK.
Bye. Looking forward to new updates in the coming weeks.
Fucking A, man, you people here at Geofront are awesome!!!
And just out of curiosity, what are you studying at college?
Computer Engineering!
Thanks for the hard work you’re putting in. Just recently completed Ao no Kiseki myself ( bought an Evo copy and used the spreadsheet for both games) so I can’t wait for a quality translation of the arc.
Fantastic work guys, this is going faster than I thought it would! Lovin’ it.
You guys have donation available? I would love to donate to you guys for your noble cause 😉
I’m not accepting donations myself, but I can’t speak for the others. If you want to support our noble cause, buy an extra copy of the officially localised games to let XSEED know they should take over.
Nah, I’m not doing this for money. I just want fans to be able to experience these games that I love!
You guys are awesome! Great job. I can imagine how exciting it will be when you guys reach 50% hehe. When I finish learning Japanese I’d love to work and help on similar projects like this. Congrats guys.