Hello, everyone! I’m quite sure that everyone is every bit as hyped for Trails from Zero to be released — which is happening sooner than you all may expect… but if you have not had the opportunity to read it yet, allow me to point you in the direction of what Falcom released as the official pre-story to Trails from Zero before it originally released in Japan back in 2010.
The short comic known as Ring of Judgment was released successively over a series of months in the manga magazine known as Dengeki Maoh. The final chapter of Ring of Judgment was even released in an issue that came out mere days before the actual release of the game.
Since then, Ring of Judgment has seen a drama CD and has even had new artwork by Kitsutsuki, to be part of one of the Kai releases many preorder bonuses.
If you would like to read this short story, it has already been fully translated on Endless History, and you can find it for download here.
This particular comic is a fun way to remember Falcom’s tradition of leading up to their games or setting up bonus information before the start of a game in the form of a different medium.
I’ve had this manga downloaded sitting on my desktop for 4 months now, waiting for the right time to read it. Now will be the perfect time to start it to lead me directly into Zero, good luck to the geofront team
I would actually say that the right time to read it is a little after starting the game. There’s a surprising event (you’ll know it when you see it) which has a lot more impact if you haven’t already had it spoiled by the manga.
Just how many days before the release of the game I wonder? I dunno… might be relevant 😛
Zero no Kiseki was released 9/30/2010 on the PSP. Dengeki Maoh is published every month on the 27th, so… probably 3 days?
If they kept this pattern, both Geofront and Zero No Kiseki would release on a Thursday as well. A Friday the 13th release would be kinda cool, though…
It took some digging, but I figured it out: three days. That issue of Dengeki Maoh released on September 27, 2010; Zero no Kiseki released for PSP on September 30, 2010.
Unless I’m interpreting things wrong here, I think you may have indeed figured it out.
Nope. The days between isn’t the hint. Nice guess, though.
Its the hint….the word “days”? I mean, in the article, it is the only word that’s different than the rest. And the only thing that come to my mind is that, instead of “days”, it will be only A day between this post and the release of the patch.
Don’t get too tied up in the words. Try to look a little more under the surface.
I hope this hint about release date won’t be outdated. Of course if it’s actually release day.
But anyway, just keep on with the same pace as always and imminent release will come.
I can’t say it enough. You guys are awesome and I look forward to restarting Zero with your improved translations and added goodies. Also, thanks for the pre-story translation. I 100% will read this before playing. I have just platinumed Cold Steel III and look forward to adding Zero/Azure to my completed games list.
It’ll be done when it is done.
Good luck to the team, looking forward to release!
Incidentally, the manga’s setting and characters return in one of the Cold Steel 2 drama CDs, officially transcribed at http://www.trailsofcoldsteel.com/cs2/memoirs2.html.
Ok, I’ll give another try at the hint thing. Let’s see.
In the last paragraph, it says that “This particular comic is a fun way to remember Falcom’s tradition of leading up to their games or setting up bonus information before the start of a game in the form of a different medium.”. So, I though that maybe there is bonus information in a different medium. Going to the link in the post to the comic, the title says “Translation…Wednesday?”
From the context there, I guess there is some form of a tradition (translation tuesday), so my guess is that, either the patch comes Wednesday or Tuesday. My vote is for Wednesday.
If you right click on the text and “inspect” (at least in chrome) you can find….
Make of that what you will 😛
Totally thought you were trolling until I actually tried it. Nice.
Oooooh. I see.
Detective Thoom, reporting for duty. I love candy.
The manga was an enjoyable read. Can’t wait to dive into Trails from Zero when the patch releases!
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ TAKE MY ENERGY GEOFRONT ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Thank you for this and for everyone who has worked on this project. Greatly looking forward to tomorrow’s release.
Also as someone who hasn’t read other material in this form.. took me a minute to realize this comic reads right to left. Just mentioning this in case it helps someone else.